A day in Winchester no 2, 31st August 2016

No visit to Winchester would be complete without popping your head around the doors of the cathedral. In the early afternoon we queued for tickets in the nave, no passing without them, and managed to get on to a little tour which actually gave us loads of information we would not have known otherwise. Going on a tour is a little challenging to a photographer and I was always at the end of the trail and frequently missed an important nugget dropping from the lips of our guide. Here is the photographic history of our progression. All taken with the Zeiss Batis 25mm lens on the Sony. We started in the nave and then passed though the chancel where lies the stone tomb of the Bishop of Winchester, Prince Henry of Blois who died in the 12th century. Work began on the stone 'Great Screen', which stands behind the alter in 1455. It was knocked about a bit during the reformation, but the saints heads were replaced in the 19th century. The font is 12th century and was carved from...