Hey hey USA - 16th October - Lake Valley ghost town part 2

By the time we left the church the weather really looked to be on a downturn. Black clouds were rolling in and the temperature was falling. We continued down Railway Avenue to the water towers that were used when the railway came to Lake Valley. A branch line of the Santa Fe Railroad was built to Lake Valley to serve the mines and later to provide goods for the town's merchants. The railway arrived in 1884, but by 1934 its use was so limited that the line was dismantled. We looked beyond the fence to where the line once ran. We could also see where the railroad ran up to mines There was a wooden storage type building by the railroad said to be the coal sorter. The other form of transport was the stage coach that ran between Lake valley and Hillsboro and Kingston, both mining towns to the north, and Nutt to the south. This was a much riskier form of transport, subject to attacks by bandits and the rough unmade roads it had to negotiate. At one time the stagecoach was operated and ru...