Road to the isles, 25th June, glorious Rothesay

The afternoon being still wet and dull we decided to have a wander around Rothesay. Alan needed some parts anyway to fit back the fridge in the camper van. This had stopped working a few days previously, which didn't matter too much at present as we were in a holiday home, but would be a concern when we went to Mull. He had read that the way to fix a camping fridge was to take it out and place it upside down for 24hours, which would mix the chemical coolant around and it would work again. This he had done, with much panting and heaving in the limited space, but he still needed some hose. Bute Tools, one of those splendid individual hardware shops which stock everything, was the place to go. Rothesay may have had an illustrious past, but in the 50's it had ossified and faded. The main hotel was in the process of being shored up to stop it becoming a danger and the new out of town Co-Op was the only bright spark in the firmament. Infrared again seemed the way to go. The first pi...