California 30th October, autumn colour on the way to Bodie

After breakfast we set out for Bodie, a deserted mining town to the north east of Lee Vining. It is managed by the National Park Service and has been kept in a state of 'arrested decay'. Everyone I knew who has visited this part of the world said that we must visit Bodie and I wondered why, as it sounded a little bit of a Disney experience. Rest assured it is not and I would love to go back there. The road to Bodie is north on the 395 and then you turn off east for 10 miles the last 3 of which are just a dirt track and make for an interesting trip. Going up the 395 we noticed a lovely group of aspen trees still in their autumn colour, great for us as most of the trees had lost their leaves by now. They were on the other side of the road but we (rather dangerously as we were nearly mown down by a lorry on the return) crossed over to a lay-by. Then as a bonus on the dirt road we saw some more trees and a golden eagle overhead. I only had my 24-70mm lens on so the eagle picture...