Another trip to Cumbria - Wasdale

We went up to Milnthorpe again to visit Rene, Alan's mother, to see how she was getting on with her new knee. The weather going up was pretty dire but settled into a dry but overcast Saturday and a windy scuddy Sunday. As Rene had not been able to drive and also because we did not want to sit in the house all day we went on a couple of excursions, Saturday to Wasdale and Wastwater and Sunday to Walney Island on the Barrow peninsula. On the Saturday we had lunch in the Wasdale Head Hotel and then walked through fields down to see St Olaf's church, reputably one of the oldest and smallest churches in England. It lies snuggled between yew trees looking towards Great Gable and Scafell Pike. There are a number of graves of climbers in the churchyard, all with views towards the mountains and a memorial to a group of climbers who died on the Karakoram in the Himalaya (excuse the plastic cup). We drove back via the Hardknott and Wrynose passes and sat in a layby at the bottom of Har...