Hey hey USA - 23rd October - Valles Caldera and Los Alamos

We drove the camper with the heating in the cab blasting out, on the road through to Los Alamos. This passes through the Valles Caldera, a beautiful stretch of high plateau which was formed when a volcano erupted around 1.25 million years ago. The area is a supervolcano like Yellowstone and it last erupted around 130,000 years ago. It still however produces hot springs and fumaroles. The highest peak overlooking it is the Redondo Peak at 11,253ft but the main valley is still over 8,000 ft. It looks cold in the pictures and it was freezing and rather bleak. We drove up to the visitor centre which was open but there were few places to walk and a back country road that you can use to drive right through the centre of the Park was shut for the winter. There was still evidence of fire damage from huge fires that occurred in 2011 and 2013. They now operate prescribed burns. We drove on to Los Alamos and were amused when we were stopped on the main road at a sentry box by an office...