Venice Day 3, churches and churches

Venice has a lot of churches, arguably too many. Santa Maria Gloriosa del Frari is one of the major ones and so we wended our way down from the Mercato di Rialto to the San Polo district to see it. There were other churches on the way. Being just after Christmas they still had their cribs in place, and there may have been a crib competition going on as each one was bigger and better than the last, sometimes occupying a whole room with waterwheels spinning, donkeys braying and a whole tableau vivant going on. We went by tiny streets, over small bridges with glimpses over even smaller bridges down narrow canals. Campo San Giacomo dell 'Orio San Giacomo dell 'Orio San Giacomo dell 'Orio We made a diversion to see the Natural History Museum as it is housed in a 13th century palazzo, the Fontego del Turchi. Unfortunately we could not get to the canal side of the museum which would had been more interesting, although the displays were ...