Ten days on Zuza to St Kilda - 10th June - A cruise around Borerey and we arrive in Village Bay

St Kilda holds World Heritage Site status twice. Once for its cultural value and once again for its natural environment. It contains the largest colony of seabirds in Northern Europe and its marine environment is heavily protected. When we arrived in St Kilda Neil first took Zuza around the coast of Borerey, a large island with prominent sea stacks. Borerey has a summit of 384 metres and so the cliffs are very steep and there is no place for a boat to tie up. It is 4 miles north west of Hirta, the main island, and no people have lived on it in recent times. Zuza has a very shallow draft (1.95m) as she has a bilge keel and so is ideal for getting close in to shore. By Eric Gaba (Sting - fr:Sting) - Own workMap drawn using Landsat ETM+ imagery (public domain), CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18273982 The weather was dull and overcast with a weak sun struggling to get through. We motored past Creagan na Rubhaig Bana and along the north-east ...