California, 16th November, Arnold Newman Exhibition and the Castro

On our itinerary for the afternoon was a trip to the Jewish Museum where there was an exhibition of Andrew Newman photographs. But first coffee called and we stopped at a Starbucks to take the weight from our feet. We passed another cable car being turned and another religious placard before reaching an area where there were a couple of 'installations'. One of these was a large bench which you could play a weird kind of electronic music by holding hands with someone and moving your fingers on the arm rest. A good excuse I suppose to hold hands with complete strangers! The Jewish Museum was a very modernist building and the exhibition a treat. We managed to get on to a tour with only 2 other people and this gave us some useful information on how Newman worked. It was so good I had to buy the book! Beneath you can see the exterior and interior of the museum and the buildings round it. We caught the MUNI train, more of a bus with ru...