Hey hey USA - 14th October - Whites City, a misnomer

In order to get to our final destination of the day we had to drive back through Whites City, where we had spent the previous night, and around El Paso. Breakfast at the motel had been fairly nonexistent so we were now starving, and seeing the sign for the Cactus Restaurant in Whites City we stopped and partook of New Mexican cuisine. This meant tacos, beans lots of chillies. As I said before Whites City is a very small place (population 85) in the middle of nowhere, comprising of a parade of shops, the restaurant which is enormous and a few adobe houses. There is also the ruins of a strange castellated building on a hill. For some reason the place fascinated me. The combination of tackiness and the desert surroundings was stereotypical southern US. The café also had an alien twist. New Mexico is the place to come for aliens. So here are a few pictures. Then we were off again. Carlsbad Caverns are on the eastern limit of the Guadalupe Mountains but we were going to see...