The lost tunnels of Euston Station

Last month I took advantage of a family Christmas present and went with Joe on a London Transport Museum photographic tour of some tunnels around Euston Station. These tunnels closed to the public in 1962, leaving us with a small time capsule of London life left in the posters on the walls. The tour started in Melton Street, opposite the present Euston Station in a glazed brick building designed distinctively by Leslie Green. This was once the station of the Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway, or the Hampstead Tube. This line opened in 1907. In 1907 another tube line also served Euston, the City and South London Railway with a station building (now demolished) on the other side of the mainline Euston Station to the Melton Street one. These two separate companies decided that they would come together for the convenience of passengers and build an interconnecting passageway with its own ticket hall and lifts to the mainline station. Both ...