California,16th November, an elevated tour around San Francisco and Chinatown

We woke to a pink dawn outside our hotel and determined that we should go back to the diner in the Mission district we had visited on our first day in California. This was about a 20 minute walk and when we got there it was packed out. We had forgotten it was Sunday. In fact anywhere offering breakfast was full, so we went back to the hotel where, actually the breakfast was not half bad. To get an overview of San Francisco we took the bus down towards the monumental Coit Tower on Telegraph Hill.. This was built by Lillie Hitchcock Coit in 1934 as a monument to San Francisco firefighters. Lillie seems to have been a firefighter groupie, rarely missing a fire or a fireman's funeral and having the firehouse emblem embroidered on her bed sheets! After getting off the bus there was a little walk before we got to the bottom of the tower, which you can see in the last picture in this series. Inside the tower the ground floor is decorated with mural...