California, 11th November, Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, a waterfall and beaches

Another predawn rise saw us driving south back down Highway 1 to one of the finest destinations along the route. Parking on the land side of the road, we walked under the highway through a tunnel and came out on a footpath that runs a little way round the cliff giving a view of a beach straight from a fairytale, but with the unprepossessing name of McWay Cove .The saddle shaped cove had water of clear aqua and a waterfall (McWay Falls) plummeted onto the untouched beach below. Unfortunately there were no dawn colours, it just got light, but being alone there was worth the early wake up call. McWay Cove is named after Christopher McWay, a man who homesteaded here in the 1870's. Julia Pfeiffer Burns was another early pioneer who came here in 1869 aged one. Julia lived with her parents until into her 40's looking after the family land, but finally married John Burns in 1915 and went to live with him at Burns creek, just over the ridge from the beach. In later life...