Le Tour de France meets Essex

Great excitement yesterday for the passing of the Tour through Essex. We had Alan's cousins Graeme and Caroline staying with us with their son Jamie, a keen cyclist who is competing in a national youth track event next weekend. After much consultation we thought that the A11 roundabout near Great Chesterford would be the best place to pitch. The boys cycled over and Caroline and I took the car about 10.00am with chairs and a ladder to sit/stand on. Jamie used the ladder. It was a beautiful day, not too hot, just comfortable, with a great carnival spirit. First a caravan of floats came through and various items were thrown out including an Ibis plastic pillow which unfortunately hit Caroline in the eye, but no lasting damage! Then there was a bit of a hiatus as team cars came past including David Brailsford in the Sky Jag. A rather scruffy cameraman walked down on the opposite side of the road but did not deem us of sufficient interest. I got into my place for photography, feelin...