5th, 6th May - Sucre, the Colonial Capital of Bolivia

We discovered that there was very little to do in Potosi on a Sunday. It is difficult to tour the churches as they are only open for services, and you cannot really walk around taking photographs during mass. Any vestige of a museum was also closed. So we went down to the spanking new palatial bus station and caught a bus out for Sucre which lies north east of Potosi. The first taxi driver dropped us off at the wrong bus station, in spite of being told where we were going, after being surly about luggage and generally taking us anywhere at all. Perhaps he had had too much of a good time on Saturday night... or maybe not. We thought that we were going to miss the 11.00 am coach but found that it fortunately left at 11.20. On reaching Sucre we dropped our stuff off at the hostel - the Seven Pesos, which fortunately was fairly central. We then had a walk around the city and lunched. The dish of Sucre is the saltena, which is like a Cornish pasty except spicier. It is possible to ge...