A Greenwich visit

At the beginning of April Mairi and I went to the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich and the National Maritime Museum to see the the exhibition of Turner's sea paintings. The exhibition had paintings by other artists, notably Dutch ones who Turner was influenced by, to compare and contrast. Although nearing the end of its time at Greenwich it was quite crowded and I was still a little 'exhibitioned' out by the visit to the Pompidou Centre the previous weekend. I found it OK but not stunning. I suppose I have seen most of the paintings a number of times, but I must say that I still find Turner immensely inspirational. We started our visit surprisingly in Kings Cross where we met my son for lunch outside St Martin's Art School. Students were bringing in frames to the building which was a little surreal. The Old Naval College is a stunning building created by Christopher Wren and his assistant Hawksmoor, who apparently made no charge for the design. It was used first a...