Glorious Utah, first steps into Bryce

Feeling rather bloated after our late lunch of fish and chips, we thought we should drive down to the Canyon, get our pass, have a quick trip to the Visitor Centre and start exploring. On the road from Panguitch into Bryce you pass through another park called Red Canyon, for obvious reasons. We stopped there for a brief look around but decided to move out when a tourist bus arrived and we were inundated by the human tide. We passed mule deer feeding on the side of the road and an area of burnt trees as we drove into Bryce. Bryce Canyon runs roughly north south and lies at the northern edge of the Grand Staircase, a huge geological area which extends from southern Utah down through Zion to the northern rim of the Grand Canyon, The rocks are sedimentary, the youngest being at Bryce and the oldest at the Grand Canyon. They are classified according to their colour, Bryce being comprised of a pink stone known as the Claron Formation. Bryce is not a true cany...