France the Alps, 9th April, a day in the meadows and woods

It was another warm day up in the mountains and the snow on the ski slopes was getting slushier, so Alan decided to go out on his bike for part of the morning. I went out onto the area of grass in front of the chalet to play with my cameras and again take pictures of the mountain range across the valley. I am afraid you will get sick of this view. First are some taken with the infrared camera and converted to monochrome, just in Lightroom. The rest are taken in colour with three pictures of Hettie, Queen of the Mountains, basking in the sunshine. There was a black redstart buzzing about around us which I managed to take a very poor picture of. After lunch we went for yet another walk in the woods above the house and again could not proceed far without encountering fallen trees and landslips blocking our way. There were more crocuses and fungi to photograph and I even managed a couple of camera movement pictures. ...