Holiday in France 3 - on the way

We caught the train at 8.30pm and arrived in France at 10.00pm, time to find somewhere to sleep. We intended to do some wild camping this trip to defray expense, but we had been kept up the night before by neighbours who had had a party in their garden which went on till 3.00am, with no diminution of volume. So we went for the tried and trusted camping van park at Gravelines which was a little out of our way. You are supposed to buy a ticket for 5 euro but the machine was out of order so it was a free night's sleep anyway. Next day we started the journey south. It was more of a slow meander, hardly using the toll roads and passing through sleepy small towns and villages. We stopped at a place called Watten on the river Aa, (obviously wanted to be the first name in the river directory)! Watten is in the Nord Département, bordering Pas de Calais and so is in Flemish France. There is a knoll at the back of the village, the so called 'Mountain of Watten' (72m). Here there is ...