Road to the isles, 27th June, to the west coast

After lunch in Tarbert we drove over to the west coast of the Knapdale peninsula. In the title I accidentally typed best instead of west, before changing it. This could be true though. Here the land is practically deserted by people and it felt very remote. The view across the ocean was of the Paps of Jura threading across the skyline, which was still threatening giving us momentous cloud formations. The road runs north, single track, for 30 miles. We were attracted by a signpost to the Kilberry Stones. These stones, grave slabs and crosses, had been collected from the local medieval parish church and stored in a basement of Kilberry Castle until 1951. They are now gathered in a special shelter where anyone can look at them. Here is one of the early Christian grave slabs, a West Highland grave slab and the late medieval 'Kilberry Cross'. We felt it was time to look for somewhere to spend the night, although a place to camp along this quiet road seemed un...