Croatia and a couple of Balkans, Day 4, into Bosnia

We said goodbye to Slavko, our host in Dubrovnik and took the time to walk down to the base of the concrete steps that led from our apartment to the shore. I took a couple of photos, not that it was particularly pretty, but as a record. Anne had booked us into a pension in Mostar for the night so the only thing to do was to decide how to get there. Her guide book (Rick Steves) suggested 3 routes. We chose the longest and most remote, mainly because it went past a rather spectacular lake, or so it looked on the map. We crossed the border (no stamp this time) and drove to Trebinje a small town were we could find a cash point and get some Bosnian Marks. Some of the town looked quite eastern European but there was a great market which we had a walk round. The scenery was of rocky hills with sparse vegetation, quite Mediterranean.We came to the lake which was really a reservoir, Bileçko Jezero and stopped where it met the road. Here were the ruins of a rat...