Road to the isles, 28th June, stone circles and an abandoned boat

We reached the coast at Crinan and then swung inland following a tiny road across marshland, over a bridge that the van only just fitted through. We found a lay-by for lunch where the field walls were covered in lichen and campanula and a small stream ran through a copse. We moved north in this slightly erratic manner until we saw signs for the standing stones at Kilmartin Glen. This seemed a worthwhile excursion and indeed the site at Kilmartin comprises some standing stones, two small stone circles and a tomb as well as countless lesser remains. Quite amazing that this place is relatively unheard of but has one of the most important concentrations of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in Scotland. The Nether Largie standing stones were erected around 3,200BC and are thought to be in alignment with the moon and sun. From the standing stones we walked a short distance to the two stone circles in Temple Wood. One was far more extant than the other but the...