London with the Lensbaby

About three weeks ago I had an exhausting day in London, taking in exhibitions and making photographs along the way. I started in St Pancras Station using my camera with a Lensbaby, to try to get a different take on the well photographed set pieces. For those of you who have not come across the Lensbaby before, it is a lens with an optic which has a flexible base to allow you to shift the angle of the lens away from the plane of the camera to get selective focus. It is possible to change the glass part of the lens to give different effects. I have just bought the Lensbaby Three Optic Swop kit, which comprises, a single glass optic which gives more distortion than the double glass optic that comes with the Lensbaby Composer (the basic lens), a plastic lens to give Holga type effects and a pin hole/zone plate lens. I did not have the tripod with me so I worked with the single glass optic and the plastic lens, using an aperture, mainly of f5.6. I also took the 50mm f1.4 lens with me, to ...