Cornwall, a photographic adventure, 8

Finally the day dawned cloudy. In fact so cloudy that there was yet another non-existent sunrise as the rising orb could not penetrate the gloom! In fact, a good day for a visit to the moor! Armed with my book of shortish walks in North Cornwall we set our for Minions, a village on Bodmin Moor very close to a group of two stone circles known as the Hurlers, for obvious reasons. There is a large car park for tourists and I was dismayed to see that it was fairly full, not good for a Thursday morning out of season. Hettie and I equipped ourselves with camera gear, tripod and sandwiches and set out. 200 yards later Hettie pooped and we had to retrace our steps back to the dog bin in the car park. Hettie was unwilling to go back and then when we got to the bin unwilling to go forward. The upshot of which was I became a little short tempered and pulled on her lead too hard causing her to fall over (elderly dogs do not have great balance). This earned me bad looks and tuts from several eld...