Road to the isles, last day in the highlands

The weather was still very overcast as we set out homewards over Glencoe and Rannoch Moor. The clouds suited the mood of the place although it was very crowded with tourists. On the bog I found a strange white flower which I could not identify. I corresponded with Roger Darlington of the Wild Flower Identification Guide who said it was the chickweed wintergreen. This grows on acid soils, no further south than Manchester. It is neither chickweed or wintergreen but trientalis europaea. The pictures are of Glencoe and Rannoch Moor, around Lake Tulla. There are a couple of infrared ones at the end. I took 3 exposures of each picture. I did process some of them as mild HDR, but decided I did not like the effect in this instance, so these are all pretty straight shots. We stopped at Hill House, designed by Mackintosh, on the way down south, but it was fleeting and I did not get much photographically out of it (I was not allowed to photograph inside the house!). We stopped overnight by a f...