Holiday in France - 1 Bexhill!

We were due to go on holiday in France for the last 2 weeks in September and I had already booked the Tunnel, going out on the Saturday evening and returning on the Sunday a fortnight later. We have to take the train as the dog in her elderliness has taken objection to being left in the van during the cross channel ferry ride and shows it in a rather organic way. Anyhow Alan discovered that a favourite musician Oren Ambarchi was to play in Bexhill on the Sunday as part of a day of rather weird electronic music put on by Cafe Otto, a club in north London. So I re-booked the train for Sunday night. Oren was due to go on at 12.00 noon and play all afternoon or until he got fed up, so it was a case of turning up and listening for a bit and then moving on. There were other musical events occurring in the Bexhill De La Warr Pavillion - a man who had made a lot of musical toys which all played together rather randomly, a saxophonist and a man and woman who did odd things with a drum and orga...