Glorious Utah, prairie dogs and more on Bryce

Arriving at Bryce Canyon we had passed through Red Canyon, which had looked particularly fine in the sunshine. We went to the Bryce Visitor Centre where there is a display on the prairie dogs, marmot type rodents who live in Bryce. We were keen to see them so we took advice on the best place and drove out to their 'town'. They were a little distance away from the road but we spotted them sitting meerkat style on top of their mounds looking out for danger and sometimes chewing on bits of vegetation which they held in their front paws. We also saw a northern flicker rooting around in the undergrowth. We were close to Sunset Point, so we went there first and were lucky enough to see a group of ponies trotting along one of the paths in the Canyon. In order to get a little more information we joined the ranger geological walk from Sunset to Sunrise Points. It was run by a slightly wacky lady but was good fun. I got a shot of Thor's Hammer, one of th...