Glorious Utah, back in Las Vegas

Which I know is in Nevada, but it helps to keep things together. It was early evening when we drove back into Las Vegas. It was warm and muggy and on the road we had seen rain storms over the neighbouring hills. Mike had booked rooms at the Excalibur Hotel, a rather faded 'resort' on the Strip, as he thought I should get the Las Vegas experience, which we did, in spades. Checking in seemed to take ages. There was a long line of receptionists and long queues of customers. We were wearing walking boots and jeans and looking generally dusty, in contrast to the others who were ready for a night out on the town, or at the tables. My room faced out over a flat roof and the facade of something out of Camelot. You can exit the hotel on high pedestrian walkways and there was lightening playing in the sky, although the rain never came. We descended to street level and spent some time in a hotel called Paris, for obvious reasons. This had a long internal boulevard with a ceiling o...