Wales - Day 10 Strumble Head and a move further north

The morning of Day 10 we drove up a little way to Trevine where we had stayed one autumn 3 years ago. Going down to the small beach we were followed by members of a painting group who set up their easels among the rocks. We stopped for a little while at Strumble Head.The sky was overcast and dark and we did not see very much - only one seal and no porpoises as we have done before. From there we drove back into mid Wales, to a very primitive and lonely campsite in the midst of the Cambrian mountains, not far from Nant-y-Moch reservoir and the Plynlimon range, home of the rivers Severn and Wye. The sun went down as we were eating and I begun to realise I was not feeling 100%. Trevine Trevine