Infrared filter and a pinhole shot

Feeling a little stale I had ordered an infrared filter which arrived while I was away in Wales. I thought it was not possible to take infrared photographs with modern DSLRs as they have a filter in them which takes out most of the infrared light. However I had seen some forum postings saying that you can achieve something, although you need super long exposure times. The filter I bought was sent from a company called Luxan in Germany - it is only a cheapish one as these can be very expensive and I wanted to see what I could get without shelling out a lot of money. It is 870nm (the end of the visible spectrum of light is around 700nm) which is pretty hefty and cuts out at least 10 stops of light. My first outing was to Audley End House. It was a very dull day, which was a mistake as I was getting exposure times of 6 minutes at f/13 and ISO 1600. When I looked at the pictures they all had a very bright spot on them. Consulting the internet I found that it was because I was using a Nik...