The road to the isles, 27th June, moving on from Bute

On our last morning in Kilchattan we got up early and did those things you are supposed to do when leaving a holiday home: clearing the fridge, hoovering up the dog fur and packing the van. We left the place pretty unscathed apart from a light patch on a dark red carpet in our room. It must have been dyed from a lighter colour, as, when the damp dog slept on it, she got up the next day with pink fur and the colour of the carpet where she had lain was in turn rather paler. After that we ensured she slept on her blanket and hemmed it in with chairs so there was no escape. After breakfast I took a picture of the little rabbit in the garden who had entertained us most mornings. We took Rene for the 11.00am Rothesay ferry back to the mainland where she was meeting Alan's cousin who was driving her into Glasgow for the train. There was momentary panic and a short series of phone calls as she had got stuck in the lift on the ferry and was nearly returned to Rothesay. We drove to th...