Glorious Utah, Las Vegas, another day in the heat

Mike left Las Vegas early in the morning for a flight back to Chicago. You probably don't remember that the holiday had been complicated by Hurricane Irma, who had arrived the weekend I departed for Utah with Mike. Anne, my sister-in-law, was supposed to be coming with us, but the hurricane necessitated her staying in Florida for work. I had changed my flight to the UK for a later one, so allowing me to have a few days more with Anne and Anne to have a holiday. She was due to fly into Vegas later that day, letting me to do another bout of photography on the 'Strip'. Inside the casinos everything was in action petty much as it was the previous evening, except a little quieter. Outside the sun was beating down. I survived it for a few hours, then threw in the towel and came back to my hotel room to do a little photo processing and read. I had had enough of Las Vegas and wanted to get back to the landscapes of Utah. ...