Hey hey USA - 7th October - Quechee Gorge and then we're off

We were running out of time in Vermont and due to fly down to Florida later that afternoon. Still we were able to down some lunch at the King Arthur Flour café. Much loved by Mike as he was able to easily obtain supplies from here during lockdown, when all the shops had run out. Having returned from France Mike was trying to produce the perfect baguette although I did tell him that that was what the boulangerie was for. Our last port of call was Quechee Gorge, a deep gorge (165ft) formed by glacial activity around 13,000 years ago. The road is bridged over the top and we stood to look down at the view before walking the path down to the side of the river to look at the bridge from a distance. The notice was tacked on a shed we came across on the walk. Finally we drove to the airport in Manchester where we caught the plane down to Orlando. As I was still coughing we masked up in FFP masks and took some co-codamol which effectively stopped me coughing for the whole flight. It was af...