Destruction of Fort Hitler in Wissant

Just before I went to South America in April, Alan and I had a week in northern France. We spent the first night in Wissant, a seaside resort west of Calais for which we have some affection. Last year we went to Wissant in September and I took pictures of a sunset over the beach which has a number of concrete bunkers built by the Nazis in the second world war. Here is one of them. Yes, I know they are ugly and a reminder of a sad past, but I quite liked these structures. This year things have changed and the burghers of Wissant are intent on improving their beach with some heavy machinery. This is the same structure (I had cloned out the DANGER notice on last year's photograph). The destruction has also seemed to have accelerated the erosion of the low cliff by the sea. While we were in the area we visited Cap Gris Nez and here are a couple of pictures from the surrounding countryside.