Ten days on Zuza - 16th June - more time on Eigg

We had another good night on Zuza. If anyone suffers from insomnia I can greatly recommend living on a yacht. Masses of fresh air and the gentle rocking motion certainly worked for me. Although I am not sure that any weather but the windless heat wave we were experiencing would have had the same effect. We had noticed a tern colony on an island opposite the bay where we were moored. In the morning Neil took a few of us in the tender over for a closer look. We could not really get as close as I would have liked but here are some tern pictures. I am not sure if they are common or Arctic terns, both species are very similar. They were wheeling over the rocks where there nests must have been but did not seem to find us too threatening, such graceful birds. A rock? pipet An oystercatcher We then went back to the main island and this time walked west from the pier over a headland to try and get a closer look at the caves on the southern coast. Again cliffs stopped us getting down to them but...