Ten days on Zuza - 11th June - an afternoon on St Kilda

During the Cold War St Kilda was chosen as a venue for an early warning radar outpost, and subsequently a road was built in 1957 from the jetty to a point overlooking Dùn and then across to Mullach Mòr (430 metres high). Originally the stone from the houses in the village was going to be used for the road but the plan was successfully vetoed by the National Trust for Scotland and the Nature Conservancy group and a small quarry was created which now lies halfway up the road. At the base of the road just back from the shore lies the military camp for the MOD. It is a bit of an eye sore, although the roofs of the blocks have been covered in turf to blend in more with their surroundings. The MOD buildings, the Village and also the long wall that was built in the 1830's to keep animals out from the houses and the surrounding fields can be seen in the picture below. From OS Maps, I have marked the masts in red The fog was a bit flukey and would descend unexpectedly but we got views down...