New Smyrna Beach, 16th February 2017

It was the last morning before Anne and I were due to fly to Chicago. But the flight was not until later in the afternoon and we did not wish to waste the day. So Anne planned a quick visit to New Smyrna Beach, the closest to her home, about a 45 minute drive away. New Smyrna is just north of Titusville and Cape Canaveral, on the west side of Indian River and the Intracoastal Waterway This is the only beach in the area you can actually drive on to, but we took the boardwalk path down to the sand instead. The sun was strong for February although the stiff breeze meant that a tee shirt was not enough. We were lucky to see a pod of dolphin fishing off the shore, too far away to photograph, but there were pelicans, egrets, gulls and royal terns who were more obliging.