Whitby Workshop - 2nd day - Saltwick Bay

The second day of the workshop dawned grey and dull. We all met up at the top of the cliff overlooking Saltwick bay at 7.00am, but it wasn't until 7.20 that the gloom lightened enough to walk down the cliff to the beach. The bottom of the path had given way and the side of the cliff had had some subsisdance from the recent storms. The tide was on its way out and retreating quickly so we spent around 2 hours on the beach before it came up again, just as quickly, threatening to cut us off. I took pictures of the nab - a severe outcrop of stone and the waves as they were fairly fierce where they hit the edge of the reef. I got rather wet taking these as the waves kept sneaking up from behind. Also there was the remains of an old barnacle encrusted boat wrecked under the cliff which was very photogenic. With the wave pictures I prefer the ones with more detail in the water to show the movement. The whole place was a joy to photograph. It is just a pity that the tides do not allow m...