Scotland autumn 2016, across Skye for the absent ferry

The Sky ferry to Tarbert crosses from Idrigle on the north west tip of the island. There was one going in the late afternoon and so we left Glenbrittle passing a rather irresistible waterfall, much swollen by the recent rain. As we approached Loch Harport we noticed a little graveyard and some ruined boats by the top of the loch. While I was photographing the boats Alan strolled to edge of the shore and saw two great sea eagles, not 30m from him. He watched for a while and then beckoned to me. They noticed and immediately flew to the other side of the loch. I took some pictures of them sitting in a tree but they were too far for a decent shot. The I saw some movement in the water and a whole family of otters were swimming. Miraculous! But again too far to photograph. But never mind, we watched for about half an hour till they went away. Driving across the Red Cuillin to get to Portree the weather worsened and the rain sheeted down. We took shelter and had some lunc...