A Walk through London

A week ago I went with members of the Cambridge Camera Club for a walk between Kings Cross Station and Victoria station, prior to visiting the London Salon Exhibition in Croydon. It was a dry day and mainly overcast. On the way out from Kings Cross we went through a square where this gentleman was feeding the pigeons (shades of South America). Then it was into the British Museum, which I have never photographed before. Another really iconic building that has been 'snapped' a million times. I had on me my DSLR, a 35mm prime lens, a 16-35mm zoom and the Lensbaby. The sunlight was coming and going while we were there, making for interesting lighting conditions. I could not resist a few Lensbaby shots, using the double optic Composer and a f5.6 aperture. Finally a few shots on the way to, and around Soho