Wales Day 16 - a walk up the mountain

On the Wednesday Rene had planned to visit a cousin living in Harlech, so we thought we would go for a long walk up the Garn For mountain. We started by walking down to the shore and taking the coast path for a while where cormorants preened on cliffs and rocks. We then diverted inland, past a cottage with a fantastic view over the ocean and up back towards the quarry. We passed under the old bridge from the railway which was once used to transport rock from the quarry, and then on up, having lunch by a ruined cottage that someone had made a halfhearted attempt to mend and then given up on. Alan was pretty pleased with his pasty! The weather was dull and overcast with a swirling mist over the top of the hills which did not dissipate as the day went on. We walked up, more steeply higher and higher, but finally stopped when the mist was all around us and there was no chance of a view. And every chance we would lose ourselves We were forced to turn back but compensated for it by sitting b...