Hassle in Canary Wharf

I was looking for a good place to shlep my new 24mm Nikon tilt shift lens. Looking on Canary Wharf's website they state that they allow photography, with tripods as long as they cause no nuisance, if you are doing it as an amateur. Duly I turned up and set up in front of one of the buildings. Before the shutter clicked a burly security man was telling me to move along. I pointed out the website but he was adamant that one could not photograph any reception areas, doorways or cameras. I thought I would cut my losses and moved to another location and stood well away from any entrances. Again security came up to me, this one had more of a sense of humour. I protested that if I was a terrorist I might be taking pictures with my phone rather than doing it so conspicuously. He agreed and more or less said that I was just an easy target. He offered to tell other security people that I was operating in the area and to let me get on with it. This obviously did not work as at the third lo...