Majorca, 25th March, back to the Bóquer Valley

The last full day we had on Majorca was Good Friday. Overnight all the cafés seemed to have opened and there was an inrush of tourists. As if it knew, the weather changed from cool to warm.
Alan wanted to ride his bike for the last time before leaving and I fancied a trip back to the Bóquer Valley, which I could do more or less from the doorstep of the apartment.
I took all my camera gear and the tripod but unfortunately forgot to bring any water, and by the time I got back I was frazzled and miserable. Hot weather is not for me.
At the start of the walk is an old farmhouse which has fallen into neglect, although now renovations seem to be underway. I stopped to photograph a few details from the front of the house.
The light had become very bright and there was too much contrast in the cliffs to do much with snapshot wise. The conditions were very different from earlier in the week when it was cloudy. I persevered and got down to the sea which was calm and a translucent blue. There were many more people there and some were swimming. The wily goat was back and probably having more luck with sandwiches than she had previously.
I arrived back at the apartment at more or less the same time as Alan and so we had some lunch and spent most of the afternoon reading. Bliss!


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