Wicken Fen - part 1 - cool morning

Last weekend I went to Wicken Fen in Suffolk as part of a trip out with the RPS Nature Group, led by Ann Miles. The weather was overcast and cool in the morning but in the afternoon the sun came out and it got very hot and humid. Good for the dragonflies in the dipping pools where the group was mainly stationed and during the afternoon some effort was put into trying to photograph the brown hawkers who were doing aerial displays back and forth on a swift, tantalizing, zigzag path. Ann managed to get a couple of very good shots but all I saw was a small blur passing the lens and never even managed to press the shutter!
Here are a selection of the pictures I took in the morning when the light was even and the dew still on the reeds. I was using a Nikon 105mm f/2.8 macro lens on my D800e body


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