Track cycling, the National Youth Omnium in Welwyn Garden City

Jamie, the son of Alan's cousin is a very keen cyclist and was picked to ride in the National Youth Omnium Track Championship for his club, the Discovery Junior Cycling Club from Dundee. They stayed over with us on the Saturday night and on Sunday we all set out for the event at the velodrome in Welwyn Garden City. I am not sure how old this facility is but it could certainly have done with a bit of TLC. A good clean of the toilets and the installation of a lightbulb or two in that facility wouldn't have gone amiss.
Jamie did very well. He was cycling in the under 14's but he is only just 13 today and still fairly small compared to some of the boys he was pitched against. Things are just going to get better and better for him.
You must forgive me for the number of pictures I am posting. I start with some general views of the stadium and track and then pictures specifically for Jamie. Finally I had great fun experimenting with panning shots and I shall put these at the end with other more general ones.



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