Hastings and alternative camera techniques - Holga lens

Hastings is a great place for photography and on Monday we spent our time in the area around the pier and the fishing boats. The boats were buzzing with activity and were being hauled onto the shingle and being spruced up. I had gone as part of a workshop concentrating on  alternative in-camera effects. I had taken with me a pinhole lens, a Holga lens and a Lensbaby and we also worked with multiple exposure and intentional camera movement.
Here are a few of the pictures I took with the Holga lens, a cheap plastic thing (I bought mine in a Nikon fit, secondhand for £15.00). It fits on the digital camera and can sort of be focussed using little symbols for one person, several people, mountains etc as a guide. I found that it produced some rather nice pictures of the boats, rather like illustrations for childrens books. The last picture is a multiple exposure as well.


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