Chicago, day 4, Buddy Guy's Legends

The essential thing to do when visiting Chicago is to get a dose of the blues. The city considers itself the birthplace of the blues and there is no better place to go than Buddy Guy's legends. This is an intimate venue run by a an epic blues player, now in his 80's. We were there on a Monday night when it is 'open house' and anyone can take the floor.
We were lucky that their resident player Jimmy Burns was there and joined by Holli Thee Maxwell, a tremendously powerful singer with more personality than you could throw a stick at. She performed with Ike Turner after he separated from Tina and owned a nightclub in California with Jimmy Smith. She now part owns a nightclub in Paris and has definitely seen something of the world.  She also has two degrees in music, one from the Juillard and is classically trained. There were some others performing as well but I did not get their names, a pity as they were very talented, especially the female trumpeter.
I was hoping that the man at the bar was Buddy Guy himself, but looking at recent pictures of him it cannot possibly be! I hope the pictures give a little of the atmosphere. But if not here is a YouTube clip of Jimmy Burns


  1. You have really caught the atmosphere in these pictures Sue ..lovely set!


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