Yorkshire in January, a trip home from the north

Finally it was time to turn south again. We had decided to make an early start of it and drive across Yorkshire, through the wolds to the Ribblehead Viaduct. And on moving inland it was a bit of a shock to find snow, a thing not often seen in Essex. It made for slow going as I was forced to keep jumping out of the van to take yet another photo. Coming into Swaledale we also had some mist with a watery sun trying to come through which gave nice conditions.

Here is the selection. Some in mono and some in colour. The last picture is a panorama of the viaduct made with 17 pictures stitched together in photoshop. It has given this strange perspective, logical I suppose with a bridge that long. If I had left more room around the individual photos I could have straightened the viaduct out in photoshop but as it is it will have to do.


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