Hey hey USA - 26th October - red rock recce

Before we left the UK I had booked tickets for a landscape tour of Georgia O'Keeffe locations at Ghost Ranch. The tour didn't start till lunchtime so we stopped en route and took a short walk, not far from Ghost Ranch, through some red rock countryside. The stark desert landscape was very beautiful. 
Georgia O'Keeffe also loved these surroundings. She first visited here in 1929 when she had come down from New York to visit friends in Taos. Ghost Ranch is now a retreat where you can stay and take courses if you wish. In the 30's it was a dude ranch. A place where rich people could come and pretend to be cowboys. It had got its name as it had once belonged to cattle rustlers who had become outlaws and murderers and were hanged for their troubles. 
In 1934 O'Keeffe stayed in a cottage in the main area of Ghost Ranch, but she later managed to rent a small property on the outskirts called Rancho de los Burros. O'Keeffe came back every summer and spent her time exploring the landscape and painting. Eventually she bought the rancho in 1940.

Overlooking Cerro Padernal and Lake Abiquiu


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