Montecordova Workshop, Wednesday

We had flown in to the workshop via Porto airport and now it was time to go back and explore this lovely city in more depth.
We all spent some time in the Centro Portugues de Fotografia, a museum base in an ancient prison in the heart of Porto. As well as a permanent exhibition of cameras through time there are also several galleries of temporary exhibitions. This time there was an extensive selection of the work of Rune Eraker, a photographer who has devoted four years taking pictures of political prisoners and the gaols they are confined in. A fitting subject for the location of this museum. Looking at Eraker's work was both inspiring and horrifying.
For the rest of the day we were free to wander Porto, meeting up again at 5.00pm to eat.

Excuse again the large number of photographs. A number are just street photography and the rest somewhat more contemplative.


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